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5 Facts You Should Know About Pain Management

The Advanced Physicians Team • May 02, 2022

5 Facts You Should Know About Pain Management

Pain isn't just a feeling of discomfort; it's an experience that can affect your overall quality of life, daily activities, and mobility, and lead to mental health conditions like depression. The intensity of pain you feel can shed light on your overall health and cause of pain. Here are five facts you should know about pain management.

1. Pain Is Different for Everyone

Pain Is Different for Everyone

People who suffer the same problem, pathology, or injury will experience pain and symptoms differently. For example, a herniated disc is a common spinal problem. However, it manifests itself differently for everyone. One person might experience sharp shooting pains in their leg, while others may experience a dull achy back.

There is a significant difference in how people experience systems. Therefore, it's essential to seek professional pain management help. Your pain management specialist can develop a customized plan to treat your pain. Often, this plan includes a combination of treatment, physical therapy, and other minimally invasive interventions.

2. Self-Medicating Is Barely Effective

It's common to get some over-the-counter painkillers when you experience pain. However, self-medicating and choosing which pain medication to take isn't recommended, especially for people dealing with chronic pain.

Over-the-counter painkillers are helpful for the short-term but may cause side effects if used for long. Other pain medications like opioids can cause serious side effects like addiction and tolerance.

Besides, self-medicating doesn't address the underlying cause, it only helps manage the symptoms. It's best to seek help from a medical professional who can identify the underlying condition, anticipate some painkillers' negative side effects, and adjust your treatment accordingly.

3. It's Difficult to Identify the Cause of Pain

Identify the cause of pain with professional help

Pain is a complicated experience, and identifying the underlying cause can be difficult. For example, you might have an underlying problem with your hips, like arthritis or a labral tear. However, you might experience pain in the leg rather than in the hop with the problem.

So, it's essential to seek professional help. Physicians can use your medical history, diagnostic imaging, and physical examinations to determine the cause of your pain.


4. Rest Isn’t Good for Pain Management

Sometimes, you might be experiencing excruciating pain that makes it hard to move about. While your doctor may recommend a short rest, it's essential to remain active. For example, if you are dealing with back pain, bed rest can do more harm than good.

If you remain inactive for a while, your body may get out of the condition, making the pain more intense if you move. So, limit exercise when in pain but resume your normal activities without straining too much. People with chronic pain manage pain best when they remain active, participate in regular exercise and go for physical therapy. Often, a sedentary, inactive lifestyle can worsen the symptoms of pain.

5. Change in Weather Can Affect the Degree of Pain

Change in Weather Can Affect the Degree of Pain

Depending on your underlying condition, weather can affect your pain. For example, if you have arthritis, changes in air pressure could influence the intensity of your pain. Your pain may get worse when it's raining or extremely cold.

Low barometric pressure irritates sensitive nerves, causing tissues in the body to swell. A change in pressure may make your muscles and tendons contract or expand, causing more pain in your joints.

Physical Therapy Is a First-Line Defense Against Pain

One of the most effective pain management treatments is physical therapy. Most patients manage their pain better when other conventional treatments are combined with physical therapy. We have a team of pain management experts who will work closely with you to develop a customized regimen to manage your pain, build your strength and help you regain your mobility. Contact us to book your consultation and appointment.

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