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Some Simple Massages You Can Do to Relax at Home

The Advanced Physicians Team • Feb 01, 2023

Some Simple Massages You Can Do to Relax at Home

Massage therapy works well to relieve body pain and reduce stress. However, people usually view massage therapy as a treat you give yourself once in a while. Consequently, though you reap the benefits of massage therapy for some time, inconsistency prevents continuous progress in your body’s health.

Therefore, if you can’t visit your masseur often, simple massages at home can ensure you consistently gain from massages. This way, your body gets massaged even between visits with your masseur. Here are some simple massages you can do to relax at home.

1. Neck Massages

Neck Massages

You can develop pain due to muscle strain or injuries on your neck. Poor sleeping or sitting posture strains your neck muscles. Additionally, sports like swimming can also lead to neck muscle pain. You can eliminate this pain through the following neck massage that helps with the knots in your neck.

Ensure your neck is straight. Identify the painful areas and massage them with your fingers in a circular motion. Additionally, place your fingers on both sides of your spine along the neck. Gently use your fingers to massage your neck from the shoulders to your head.

Finally, interlock your fingers behind your neck and apply pressure to your neck along the spine using the base of your palms. Massage gently up and down your neck. These techniques will help you relax your neck muscles, especially if you spend lots of time hunched over your computer.

2. Face and Head Massages

Head massages ease tension as they help your mind relax. Moreover, face massages help with blood circulation leaving you feeling fresh and relaxed. This way, you can quickly eliminate stress-induced headaches with a massage.

Place your hands on each side of your head with your fingers spread. Gently apply pressure on your scalp. Move in circular motions as if shampooing the hair from the side to the center of your head. Repeat this process until you’ve massaged your entire scalp.

For your facial muscles, slide your index and middle fingers up your face. Begin with straight motions, then use circular motions. Next, use the base of your palm to massage the center of your forehead down to your temple. These simple techniques will relax your head and facial muscles, preventing muscle tension.

3. Back Massages

Foam Roller Back Massage

Back pains are caused by disc damage, muscle spasms, or structural issues. Back pains are frequent since sitting, walking, or standing for long hours affects the spine’s structure. Massage usually offers much-needed relief from back discomforts. The following massage technique works well for your back.

Find a foam roller or tennis ball. Sit on the floor with your feet touching the ground and your knees bent. Then lower your body onto the foam roller and move up and down. The roller should gently massage your back as your body moves up and down.

Place the tennis ball under the pain points to gently apply pressure. Then move your torso in a circular motion. If you’re experiencing intense back pains, consult your physician before beginning massages on your back.


4. Foot Massages

Foot massages are an excellent way to relieve tension from your feet after a long day of walking or standing. Foot massages also relieve ankle pain and help with blood circulation. Using a tennis ball works effectively for home foot massages.

Sit upright on a chair and place your tennis ball on the ground. Place your foot over the ball and apply some pressure. Roll your foot over the ball until you’ve covered every inch of the foot. Repeat this process on the other leg.

Although these home massage techniques are beneficial, you must seek professional advice if your body is in pain. Massage therapy specialists at Advanced Physicians use their expertise to massage your body to health.

Additionally, they will design simple massage techniques to use at home suitable for your body. Contact us today to book an appointment with our specialists.

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