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5 Things To Do To Prevent Sports Injuries

The Advanced Physicians Team • Feb 16, 2023

5 Things To Do To Prevent Sports Injuries

In recent years, physicians have emphasized exercising to maintain good health. Therefore, sports are an excellent way to maintain a regular exercise regime. However, if you aren't cautious, sports can be risky.

You’re at risk of common sports injuries like fractures, dislocations, and muscle strain, among others, each time you play. However, you can prevent some of these injuries. Read on to learn five things you can do to prevent sports injuries.

1. Warm Up, Stretch, and Cool Down

Warm Up, Stretch, and Cool Down

You have seen players do a few stretches and a warmup before getting into the field. Your muscles need to adjust from one state of motion to another progressively. A cardio warmup increases your heart rate and blood flow to the skeletal muscles. The warmup should last for around 5-10 minutes.

Follow the warmup with a few stretches. At this point, your muscles are elastic. Stretching prepares your tendons, muscles, and joints for the rigorous activity ahead. After the warmup and stretches, your body is flexible and ready to play. You can prevent many muscle and joint injuries through proper preparation.

Once you complete the sport, don’t head straight for the locker room. Take time to allow your body to cool down from the intense workout. Cool down with low-intensity cardio exercises and a few stretches.

This way, you bring your heart rate to its normal state and reduce the chances of muscle soreness. These exercises before and after sports prevent injuries caused by stiff tendons, muscles, and joints.

2. Learn and Use Proper Techniques

Learn and Use Proper Techniques

You don’t just wake up; go to the court and start playing. Learning a sport takes time. Your trainer explains what you need and takes you through a practice period before you can compete in the field. Players who haven’t understood the proper technique are dangerous to themselves and other players. 

Therefore, learn what gear you need on the court and ensure you have the proper gear. Also, learn how to play correctly. In so doing, you know how to prevent harm while playing to self and others.

3. Rest

Your body constantly needs a break to ensure it performs at its optimum. Without enough rest, you overwork your muscles and risk muscle overuse injuries such as jumper’s knee. Therefore, get enough sleep at night and normalize taking a break from sports.

Besides, when in the field and your body demands rest, it’s okay to rest for a few minutes. Even during tournaments, players take half-time to catch their breath. While resting, your body repairs your muscles and prepares for the next round.


4. Heal Before You Resume Sports

The quickest way to get an injury is to return to the field when you haven’t healed. An injured muscle or bone is usually fragile. Any little pressure is enough to undo the recovery progress, forcing you to start over again.

Therefore, once you have an injury, heal, and after your doctor’s approval, you can resume playing. Additionally, inform your coaches of your injury, so they don’t pressure you into playing when you haven’t fully healed.

5. Cross-Train


Various sports demand the use of different muscles in your body. Therefore, one sport or training routine can lead to repetitive muscle use, which could result in injury. To prevent these types of physical impairments, you must cross-train. This way, you can use prevent repetitive muscle motion and balance out the muscle movement in your body.

Chiropractors at Advanced Physicians can help you prevent sport-related injuries. However, although these tips are helpful, some sports-related hurt is inevitable. Therefore, call us and book an appointment if you have any sport-related injuries. Our physicians will nurse you back to health until you’re ready to return to the field.

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